Haas EC-1600 is one of the most popular EC Series models engineered by Haas Automation. The Haas EC-1600 offers a solution for large parts through their generous work envelopes and 10,00 lbs capacity. There is an abundance of features or options available to customize each machine for added production and unattended operation.
Haas EC-1600
2010 Haas EC-1600YZT
CNC Horizontal Machining Center
Ref # 8076182
2010 Haas EC-1600
CNC Horizontal Machining Center
Ref # 8076107
What a standard Haas EC-1600 comes equipped with
- 7,500 RPM Spindle
- 50 Pocket Side-Mount Tool Changer
- 50 Taper Spindle
- 3 Axis
- Enclosure Exhaust System
- Chip Auger
- 95 Gallon Coolant Tank
- CNC Cabinet Cooler
- Control Touch Screen
- Media Display M-Code
- HAASConnect Remote Monitoring
- Early Power Failure Detection Module
- WIFI Connection
- HaasDrop
- Remote Jog Handle
- Rigid Tapping
- 1 GB Memory
- Second Home Position
Available upgrades for the EC-1600 CNC models
A user may upgrade from standard features and specifications including:
- Spindle Speed (10,000 RPM)
- Built In 4th Axis Rotary Platter
- 5 Degree Face Gear Indexer
- Probing System
- Through Spindle Coolant
- High Speed Machining
Does EC1600 have different models?
In addition to customizing features and specs, Haas Automation offers a variety of EC1600 models which are built with some of the upgraded features referenced above:
- Haas EC-1600ZT offers 8 inches of more Z-axis travel than the standard EC-1600
- Haas EC-1600ZT-5AX includes a 4th axis rotary platter, a 5th axis HRT310, 8 inches of more Z-axis travel, and wireless intuitive probing system
When considering a used Haas EC1600, you’ll want to determine which software upgrades may fit your application and save you time. These upgrades may be installed in the field, which is a great selling point when deciding between a new or used machine.
With the ease of the Haas control, the amount of customization, and the support Haas has offered its customer base throughout the years, are reasons why Haas continues to dominate the marketplace.
Popular Haas Models:
VF Series:
ST Series:
- ST-10 and ST-10Y (Includes SL-10)
- ST-20 and ST-20Y (Includes SL-20)
- ST-30 and ST-30Y (Includes SL-30, SL-30TB)
- ST-40 (Includes SL-40)